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Landscape photo tour of the grape harvest in Montilla Moriles

Landscape photo tour of the grape harvest in Montilla Moriles

WEEKLY ROUTE Montilla-Sierra de Montilla-Moriles Alto Text: Mara de Miguel @by_marademiguel  |  Traslation: Cristina Hodgson @cristinahodgson  |  Photography: Javier Portero  |  Main picture: You are going to take your memory card full with these...
A lo bon vivant by the Cordovan countryside

A lo bon vivant by the Cordovan countryside

WEEKLY ROUTE Espejo – Montilla – Fernán Núñez – Montemayor Text: Rosa Marqués @rocamarca  |  Photography: Javier Portero  |  Main picture: The views of the Cordovan countryside, from the terraces of Espejo Castle, open to the...